Suche in
Pluennecke, Axel: Frauen und MINT – große Chancen. [2023]
Goetz, Maya: Foessel, Miriam: Die Wunschberufe der 6- bis 19-Jaehrigen. [2023]
Rebholz, Sandra: Schloemer, Inga: Steffen, Adrienne: Vaas, Silke: Hess, Claudia: u.a.: Huerden ueberwinden - junge Frauen fuer MINT begeistern. [2023]
Goetz, Maya: Girl's Day. [2023]
Tarres-Puertas, Marta I.: Costa, Vicent: Pedreira Alvarez, Montserrat: Lemkow-Tovias, Gabriel: Rossell, Josep M.: Dorado, Antonio, D.: Child-robot interactions using educational robots: An ethical and inclusive perspective. [2023]
Mouronte-Lopez, Mary Luz: Garcia, Arturo: Bautista, Susana: Cortes, Carmen: Analyzing the gender influence on the interest in engineering and technical subjects. [2021]
Rahimi, Farzan Baradaran: Kim, Beaumie: Learning through redesigning a game in the STEM classroom. [2021]
Roman-Gravan, Pedro: Hervas-Gomez, Carlos: Martin-Padilla, Antonio Hilario: Fernandez-Marquez, Esther: Perceptions about the use of educational robotics in the initial training of future teachers: A study on STEAM sustainability among female teachers. [2020]
Emembolu, Itoro: Padwick, Annie: Shimwell, Joe: Sanderson, Jonathan: Davenport, Carol: Strachan, Rebecca: Using action research to design and evaluate sustained and inclusive engagement to improve chidren's knowledge and perception of STEM careers. [2020]
Goetz, Maya: Nastasia, Diana Iulia: Johnson, J. J.: Girls building androids and robots: Equality in STEM with the media program Annedroids. [2018]
21st Century Fox, New York, NY (Hrsg.): Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media, Los Angeles, Calif. (Hrsg.): J. Walter Thompson Intelligence, New York, NY (Hrsg.): The "Scully effect": I want to believe ... in STEM. [2018]
Sheehan, Kelly Jean: Hightower, Brianna: Lauricella, Alexis R.: Wartella, Ellen: STEM media in the family context: The effect of STEM career and media use on preschoolers' science and math skills. [2018]
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