Suche in
Aubrey, Jennifer Stevens: Miller, Brandon: Bond, Bradley J.: Roberts, Lindsay: The lessons will be televised: Examining television portrayals of sexual consequences by gender. [2023]
Ward, L. Monique: Bridgewater, Enrica: Media use and the development of racial attitudes among U.S. youth. [2023]
Eneizat, Mohammad Fawwaz: Halim, Haslina: Dalib, Syarizan: Effects of media exposure and family communication on violent behaviour of Jordanian adolescents. [2022]
LaTour, Kathryn A.: Noel, Hayden N.: Self-directed learning online: An opportunity to binge. [2021]
Meyer, Marisa: Zosh, Jennifer M.: MacLaren, Caroline: Robb, Michael: MacCaffery, Harlan: u.a.: How educational are "educational" apps for young children? App store content analysis using the Four Pillars of Learning framework. [2021]
Lindstroem, Bjoern: Bellander, Martin: Schultner, David T.: Chang, Allen: Tobler, Philippe N.: u.a.: A computational reward learning account of social media engagement. [2021]
Adler, Dorothea C.: Fiedler, Georg: Schaefer, Markus: Schwab, Frank: Ein sensibles Thema. Suizidalitaet, Suizid und Suizidpraevention in den Medien. [2020]
Neumann, Michelle M.: Herodotou, Christothea: Evaluating YouTube videos for young children. [2020]
Fisher, Naomi: Schulfrei. [2020]
Kergel, David: Heidkamp-Kergel, Birte: E-Learning, E-Didaktik und digitales Lernen. [2020]
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