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MacQueen, Catherine: Troseth, Georgene: Evaluating parent-child emotion during digital application use. [2023]
Zwitserlood, Rob: ter Harmsel, Marjan: Schulting, Johanna: Wiefferink, Karin: Gerrits, Ellen: To game of not to game? Efficacy of using tablet games in vocabulary intervention for children with DLD. [2022]
Bulut, Derman: Samur, Yavuz: Coemert, Zeynep: The effect of educational game design process on students' creativity. [2022]
Arnold, David H.: Chary, Mamatha: Gair, Shannon L.: Helm, Abigail F.: Herman, Rachel: u.a.: A randomized controlled trial of an educational app to improve preschoolers' emergent literacy skills. [2021]
Moehlen, Lisa-Katharina: Handle-Pfeiffer, Daniel: Schmoelz, Alexander: Proyer, Michelle: Kremsner, Gertraud: Spielend soziale Inklusion foerdern. Zur aktiven Auseinandersetzung mit sozialen Differenzlinien durch game-based Learning activities. [2021]
Nikolayev, Mariya: Reich, Stephanie M.: Muskat, Tallin: Tadjbakhsh, Nazanin: Callaghan, Melissa N.: Review of feedback in edutainment games for preschoolers in the USA. [2021]
Koubek, Jochen: Monetarisierung von Computerspielen. [2020]
Shaw, Adrienne: Kenski, Kate: Stromer-Galley, Jennifer: Martey, Rosa Mikeal: Clegg, Benjamin A.: u.a.: Serious efforts at bias reduction. The effects of digital games and avatar customization on three cognitive biases. [2018]
Ponticorvo, Michela: Di Fuccio, Raffaele: Di Ferdinando, Andrea: Miglino, Orazio: An agent-based modelling approach to build up educational digital games for kindergarten and primary schools. [2017]
Zimmermann, Laura: Moser, Alecia: Lee, Herietta: Gerhardstein, Peter: Barr, Rachel: The ghost in the touchscreen: Social scaffolds promote learning by toddlers. [2017]
Allen, Valerie Dorsey: Solomon, Phyllis: EVIP - Edutainment violence intervention/prevention model. [2016]
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