Suche in
Tarres-Puertas, Marta I.: Costa, Vicent: Pedreira Alvarez, Montserrat: Lemkow-Tovias, Gabriel: Rossell, Josep M.: Dorado, Antonio, D.: Child-robot interactions using educational robots: An ethical and inclusive perspective. [2023]
Xu, Ying: Levine, Julian: Vigil, Valery: Ritchie, Daniel: Zhang, Shan: u.a.: Interaction with a television character powered by artificial intelligence promotes children's science learning. [2023]
Tamboer, S. L.: Daalmans, S.: Molenaar, I.: Bosse, T.: Kleemans, M.: How to increase news liberate behaviors via interventions: Eight guidelines by early adolescents. [2022]
Kirkorian, Heather L.: Choi, Koeun: Yoo, Seung Heon: Etta, Roxanne A.: The impact of touchscreen interactivity on U.S. toddlers’ selective attention and learning from digital media. [2022]
Xu, Ying: Vigil, Valery: Bustamante, Andres: Warschauer, Mark: "Elinor's talking to me!": Integrating conversational AI into children's narrative science programming. [2022]
Taylor, Gemma: Kolak, Joanna: Bent, Eve M.: Monaghan, Pedraic: Selecting educational apps for preschool children: How useful are website app rating systems? [2022]
Kim, Dongil: Nam, JeeEun Karin: Keum, Changmin: Adolescent Internet gaming addiction and personality characteristics by game genre. [2022]
Estrada-Molina, Odiel: Fuentes-Cancell, Dieter-Reynaldo: Engagement and desertion in MOOCs: Systematic review. [2022]
Verduyn, Philippe: Gugushvili, Nino: Kross, Ethan: Do social networking sites influence well-being? The extended active-passive model. [2022]
Brinberg, Miriam: Ram, Nilam: Wang, Jinping: Sundar, S. Shyam: Cummings, James J.: u.a.: Screenertia: Understanding "stickiness" of media through temporal changes in screen use. [2022]
Ross, Alexandra C.: Moss, Ilana K.: Schwartz, David: Luo, Tana: Mali, Luiza V.: u.a.: Associations between off-line social functioning and online social network interactions among emerging adults. [2021]
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