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Portugal, Ana Maria: Hendry, Alexandra: Smith, Tim J.: Bedford, Rachael: Do pre-schoolers with high touchscreen use show executive function differences? [2023]
Prena, Kelsey: Molina, Deanna: Waller, Vilesha: Cheng, Hu: Newman, Sharlene D.: Using neuroimaging techniques to link game rewards to memory through activity in the hippocampus. [2023]
Shklovski, Irina: Our digital social life. [2022]
Sinvani, Rachel-Tzofia: Darel, Dana: Ekrilat, Fahima: Segal, Lee: Gilboa, Yafit: The relationship between executive functions and naturalistic use of screen-based activities in children. [2022]
Carcioppolo, Nick: Lun, Di: MacFarlane, Soroya Julian: Exaggerated and questioning clickbait headlines and their influence on media learning. [2022]
Coronel, Jason C.: O'Donnell, Matthew B.: Pandey, Prateekshit: Delli Carpini, Michael X.: Falk, Emily B.: Political humor, sharing, and remembering: Insights from neuroimaging. [2021]
LaTour, Kathryn A.: Noel, Hayden N.: Self-directed learning online: An opportunity to binge. [2021]
Segijn, Claire M.: Araujo, Theo: Voorfeld, Hilde A. M.: Smit, Edith G.: Related multiscreening as a strategy to retain audiences and increase persuasion during a commercial break. [2020]
Rees, Jonas: Im Gedaechtnis der Welt. [2020]
MacHarg, Gabrielle: Ribner, Andrew D.: Devine, Rory T.: Hughes, Claire: Infant screen exposure links to toddlers' inhibition, but not other EF constructs: A propensity score study. [2020]
Common Sense Media, San Francisco, Calif. (Hrsg.): Children, executive functioning, and digital media: A review. [2020]
Barreda-Angeles, Miguel: Virgos, Julia: Fedele, Maddalena: Pereda-Banos, Alexandre: Exploring the effects of personal information in television news. [2020]
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