Suche in
de Leeuw, Rebecca N. H.: Weijers, Addy: Ahle, Anna-Maria: Daalmans, Serena: How stories in the media can be meaningful in children's lives. [2023]
Moeller, A. Marthe, Baumgartner, Susanne E., Kuehne, Rinaldo, Peter, Jochen: The effects of social information on the enjoyment of online videos: An eye tracking study on the role of attention. [2019]
Rasmussen, Eric E.: Strouse, Gabrielle A.: Colwell, Malinda J.: Russo Johnson, Colleen: Holiday, Steven: u.a.: Promoting preschoolers' emotional competence through prososcial TV and mobile app use. [2019]
Vangeel, Jolien: Beullens, Kathleen: Vervoort, Leentje: De Cock, Nathalie: Van Lippevelde, Wendy: u.a.: The role behavioral of activation and inhibition in explaining adolescents' game use and game engagement levels. [2017]
Rozendaal, Esther: Opree, Suzanna J.: Buijzen, Moniek: Development and validation of a survey instrument to measure children's advertising literacy. [2016]
Fikkers, Karin M.: Piotrowski, Jessica Taylor: Lugtig, Peter: Valkenburg, Patti M.: The role of perceived peer norms in the relationship between media violence exposure and adolescents' aggression. [2016]
Harrison, Kristen: Hefner, Veronica: Virtually perfect: Image retouching and adolescent body image. [2014]
Pittorf, Martin L.: Lehmann, Wolfgang: Huckauf, Anke: The understanding of pans in 3-to 6-year-old children. [2014]
Ryffel, Fabian Alexander: Wirz, Dominique Stefanie: Kuehne, Rinaldo: Wirth: Werner: How emotional media reports influence attitude formation and change: The interplay of attitude base, attitude certainty, and persuasion. [2014]
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