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Edgerly, Stephanie: Thorson, Kjerstin: Thorson, Esther: Vraga, Emily K.: Bode, Leticia: Do parents still model news consumption? Socializing news use among adolescents in a multi-device world. [2018]
Paus-Hasebrink, Ingrid: Praxeologische (Medien-) Sozialisationsforschung. [2017]
Krcmar, Marina: Lapierre, Matthew A.: Hoxie, Adam: Colvett, Jackson: Observing parent-child purchase related interactions in US-based retail environments: replication and extension. [2017]
Symons, Katrien: Ponnet, Koen: Walrave, Michel: Heirman, Wannes: A qualitative study into parental mediation of adolescents' internet use. [2017]
Pfaff-Ruediger, Senta: Riesmeyer, Claudia: Moved into action. Media literacy as school process. [2016]
Ruffman, Ted: O'Brien, Kerry S.: Taumoepeau, Mele: Latner, Janet D.: Hunter, John A.: Toddlers' bias to look at average versus obese figures relates to maternal anti-fat prejudice. [2016]
Johnson, Sara K.: Buckingham, Mary H.: Morris, Stacy L.: Suzuki, Sara: Weiner, Michelle B.: u.a.: Adolescents' character role models: Exploring who young people look up to as examples of how to be a good person. [2016]
Riesmeyer, Claudia: Pfaff-Ruediger, Senta: Kuempel, Anna: Wenn Wissen zu Handeln wird: Medienkompetenz aus motivationaler Perspektive. [2016]
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