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Hill, Kendall: Xie, Jianling: Gallo, Katarzyna: Wood, Shayna: Parlow, Molly: u.a.: The role of a major social media platform on students' academic performance: Perception versus reality. [2024]
Pousada, Modesta: Malo, Sara: Vinas, Ferran: Martin-Perpina, Mercedes: Gomez-Zuniga, Beni: Family context surrounding the use of technologies and their impact in adolescents' media multitasking. [2023]
Sina, Elida: Buck, Christoph: Ahrens, Wolfgang: Coumans, Juul M.J.: Eiben, Gabriele: u.a.: Digital media exposure and cognitive functioning in European children and adolescents of the I. Family study. [2023]
Matthews, Natasha: Mattingley, J. B.: Dux, P. E.: Media-multitasking and cognitive control across the lifespan. [2022]
Sela, Alon: Rozenboim, Noam: Ben-Gal, Hila Chalutz: Smartphone use behaviour and quality of life: What is the role of awareness? [2022]
Cuesta Cambra, Ubaldo: Nino Gonzalez, Jose Ignacio: De-Marchis, Giorgio: Uses and gratifications of multiscreen news consumption among Spanish youth. [2021]
Kim, Jihyun: Merril, Kelly: Collins, Chad: Yang, Hocheol: Social TV viewing during the COVID-19 lockdown: The mediating role of social presence. [2021]
Wiradhany, Wisnu: Baumgartner, Susanne: de Bruin, Anique: Exploitation-exploration model of media multitasking. [2021]
Zamanzadeh, Nicole N.: Rice, Ronald E.: A theory of media multitasking intensity. [2021]
Segijn, Claire M.: Araujo, Theo: Voorfeld, Hilde A. M.: Smit, Edith G.: Related multiscreening as a strategy to retain audiences and increase persuasion during a commercial break. [2020]
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