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Anderson, Kelley Cours: Albinsson, Pia A.: Ducarroz, Caroline: Peer-to-peer community on social media: An exploratory cross-cultural study. [2024]
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Royo-Bordonada, Miguel Angel: Cavero-Esponera, Cristina: Romero-Fernandez, Maria Mar: Gonzalez-Diaz, Cristina: Ordaz Castillo, Elena: Differences in children's exposure to television advertising of unhealthy foods and beverages in Spain by socio-economic level. [2024]
Paulus, Frank W.: Nouri, Foujan: Ohmann, Susanne: Moehler, Eva: Popow, Christian: The impact of Internet pornography on children and adolescents: A systematic review. [2024]
Pitt, Hannah: MacCarthy, Simone: Randle, Melanie: Daube, Mike: Thomas, Samantha L.: Young people's views about the use of celebrities and social media influencers in gambling marketing. [2024]
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