Suche in
Eneizat, Mohammad Fawwaz: Halim, Haslina: Dalib, Syarizan: Effects of media exposure and family communication on violent behaviour of Jordanian adolescents. [2022]
Rodenhizer, Kara Anne E.: Siller, Laura: MacPherson, Ashley R.: Edwards, Katie M.: Reality Check! Perceptions of MTV's Jersey Shore and 16 and Pregnant / Teen Mom and dating violence attitudes and experiences. [2021]
Aley, Melinda: Hahn, Lindsay: Tamborini, Ron: Goble, Henry: Zhang, Lu: u.a.: What does television teach children? Examining the altruistic and egoistic lessons in children's educational television. [2021]
Karsay, Kathrin: Matthes, Joerg: Froehlich, Valerie: Gender role portrayals in television advertisements: Do channel characteristics matter? [2020]
Adler, Dorothea C.: Fiedler, Georg: Schaefer, Markus: Schwab, Frank: Ein sensibles Thema. Suizidalitaet, Suizid und Suizidpraevention in den Medien. [2020]
Willis, Malachi: Jozkowski, Kristen N.: Canan, Sasha N.: Rhoads, Kelley E.: Hunt, Mary E.: Models of sexual consent communication by film rating: A content analysis. [2020]
Bauman, Sheri: Perry, Vanessa M.: Wachs, Sebastian: The rising threat of cyberhate for young people around the globe. [2020]
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