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Theophilou, Emily: Schwarze, Veronica: Boersting, Johanna: Sanchez-Reina, Roberto: Scifo, Lidia: u.a.: Empirically investigating virtual learning companions to enhance social media literacy. [2023]
Hamby, Anne: Motro, Daphna: Shawver, Zared: Gerrig, Richard: Examining readers’ emotional responses to stories. An appraisal theory perspective. [2023]
Berkic, Julia: Ammer-Scheerle, Barbara: Goetz, Maya: "Stark durch Beziehung". Videos zur Elternfortbildung. [2023]
Mares, Marie-Louise: Bonus, James Alex: Peebles, Alanna: Love or comprehension? Exploring strategies for children's prosocial media effects. [2022]
Bazalgette, Cary: How children learn to "read" movies. [2022]
Oatley, Keith: Film and meaning. [2022]
Wong, Norman C. H.: Massey, Zachary B.: Barbarti, Juliana L.: Bessarabova, Elena: Theorizing prejudice reduction via mediated intergroup contact. Extending the intergroup contact theory to media contexts. [2022]
Pavlova, Maria: Mueri, Kendra: Kennedy, Madison: Wallwork, Sarah: Moseley, G. Lorimer: u.a.: Portrayals of pain in children's popular media: Mothers' and fathers' beliefs and attitudes. [2022]
Kim, Dongil: Nam, JeeEun Karin: Keum, Changmin: Adolescent Internet gaming addiction and personality characteristics by game genre. [2022]
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