Suche in
Babari, Parvaneh: Hielscher, Michael: Edelsbrunner, Peter Adriaan: Conti, Martina: Honegger, Beat Doebeli: Marinus, Eva: A literature review of children's and youth's conceptions of the Internet. [2023]
Gutierrez-Martin, Alfonso: Pinedo-Gonzalez, Ruth: Gil-Puente, Cristina: ICT and media competencies of teachers. Convergence towards an integrated MIL-ICT model. [2022]
Vrieler, Tina: Nylen, Aletta: Cajander, Asa: Computer science club for girls and boys - a survey study on gender differences. [2021]
Macbeth, Jamie C.: Lee, Michael J.: Kim, Jung Soo: Zhang, Tony Boming: Children who code. [2021]
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), Paris (Hrsg.): 21st-century readers: Developing literacy skills in a digital world. [2021]
Picado-Arce, Karol: Matarrita-Munoz, Stefani: Nunez-Sosa, Olmer: Zuniga-Cespedes, Magaly: Drivers for the development of computational thinking in Costa Rican students. [2021]
Koziol, Klaus (Hrsg.): Vogel, Norbert (Hrsg.): Steib, Rainer (Hrsg.): Bildung und Medienkompetenz. Wege zur digitalen Souveraenitaet. [2020]
Brandhofer, Gerhard: Miglbauer, Marlene: Fikisz, Walter: Hoefler, Elke: Kayali, Fares: Die Weiterentwicklung des Kompetenzrasters digi.kompP fuer Paedagog*innen. [2020]
Ayllon, Sara: Barbovschi, Monica: Casamassima, Gianna: Drossel, Kerstin: Eickelmann, Birgit: u.a.: ICT usage across Europe. A literature review and an overview of existing data. [2020]
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