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Wirz, Dominique S.: Moeri, Michelle: Ort, Alexander: Cordeiro, Jose A.: Castro, Deborah: u.a.: The more you watch, the more you get? Re-examinig the effects of binge-watching on entertainment experiences. [2023]
Champagne-Hamel, Mathilde: Monford, Christine: Chevrier, Cecile: Saint-Amour, Dave: Screen time at 6 years old and visual function in early adolescence. [2023]
Ophir, Yaakov: Rosenberg, Hananel: Tikochinski, Refael: Dalyot, Shani: Lipshits-Braziler, Yuliya: Screen time and autism spectrum disorder. A systematic review and meta-analysis. [2023]
Choi, Eun Jung: King, Gabrielle K. C.: Duerden, Emma G.: Screen time in children and youth during the pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. [2023]
Fujii, Mai: Kawanishi, Yasuyuki: Niwa, Fusako: Hirabayashi, Kyoko: Kanatani, Kumiko Tsuji: u.a.: Maternal factors and one-year-olds’ screen time: A cross-sectional study using birth cohort data from the Japan Environment and Children’s Study (JECS). [2023]
Rocha, Bruno: Ferreira, Laura I.: Martins, Catia: Santos, Rita: Nunes, Cristina: The dark side of multimedia devices: Negative consequences for socioemotional development in early childhood. [2023]
Akbayin, Mehtap: Mulliez, Aurelien: Fortin, Frederic: Vicard Olagne, Mathilde: Laporte, Catherine: u.a.: Screen exposure time of children under 6 years old: a French cross-sectional survey in general practices in the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region. [2023]
Schwarzer, Clarissa: Grafe, Nico: Hiemisch, Andreas: Kiess, Wieland: Poulain, Tanja: Associations of media use and early childhood development: cross-sectional findings from the LIFE child study. [2022]
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