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Hinten, Ashley E.: Wolsey, Kristina: Henderson, Annette M. E.: Scarf, Damian: A survey of screen media access and use in primary school children's households. [2023]
Xu, Ying: Levine, Julian: Vigil, Valery: Ritchie, Daniel: Zhang, Shan: u.a.: Interaction with a television character powered by artificial intelligence promotes children's science learning. [2023]
Foulds, Kim: Labin, Daniel: Dollard, Lilith: Bardanashvili, Estee: Hashimi, Farhad: From A to Zari: the impact of Baghch-e-Simsim on gender equity attitudes among children and parents in Afghanistan. [2023]
Valtorta, Roberta Rosa: Baldissarri, Cristina: Raguso, Guiseppe: D'Ecclesiis, Giulia: Volpato, Chiara: Gender stereotypes and sexualization in Italian children's television advertisements. [2023]
Lassen, Julie Muenter: Soerensen, Jannick Kirk: Values in and values of video-on-demand services. The case of Danish DRTV. [2023]
van't Riet, Jonathan: Kleemans, Mariska: What drives selection of online children's news articles? [2023]
MacIntyre, Joanna: Burke, Liam: Baker, Djoymi: Balanzategui, Jessica: Kids' TV memories: Audience perspectives on the roles and long-term value of Australian children's television. [2023]
de Leeuw, Rebecca N. H.: Weijers, Addy: Ahle, Anna-Maria: Daalmans, Serena: How stories in the media can be meaningful in children's lives. [2023]
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