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Sanchez-Reina, J.-Roberto: Jimenez-Morales, Monika: Montana-Blasco, Mireia: Body satisfaction and screen media usage in Spanish schoolchildren. [2023]
Juvalta, Sibylle: Speranza, Camilla: Robin, Dominik: El Maohub, Yassmeen: Krasselt, Julia: u.a.: Young people's media use and adherence to preventive measures in the "infodemic": Is it marked by political ideology? [2023]
Lewis, Kate L: Howard, Steven J: Verenikina, Irina: Kervin, Lisa K: Parent perspectives on young children's changing digital practices: Insights from Covid-19. [2023]
Hoang, Hue Thi: Nguyen, Hanh Thi Hai: Ngo, Giang Que: Le, Hoan Viet: Doan, Tham Thi: Nguyen, Thu Phuong: The impact of perceived social support on Internet addiction among Vietnamese undergraduates: The mediating role of emotional intelligence. [2023]
Hinten, Ashley E.: Wolsey, Kristina: Henderson, Annette M. E.: Scarf, Damian: A survey of screen media access and use in primary school children's households. [2023]
Sonnenschein, Susan: Stites, Michele Lee: Gursoy, Hatice: Khorsandian, Jennifer: Elementary-school students' use of digital devices at home to support learning pre- and post-COVID-19. [2023]
Streatfield, Avita J.: Rahman, Md Mahabubur: Khan, Shusmita: Haider, M. Moinuddin: Rahman, Mizanur: u.a.: What shapes attitudes on gender roles among adolescents in Bangladesh. [2023]
Alfonso-Fuertes, Isabel: Alvarez-Mon, Miguel Angel: Sanchez del Hoyo, Rafael: Ortega, Miguel A.: Alvarez-Mon, Melchor: Molina-Ruiz, Rosa M.: Time spent on Instagram and body image, self-esteem, and physical comparison among young adults in Spain: Observational study. [2023]
Nagata, Jason M.: Smith, Natalia: Zamora, Gabriel: Sajjad, Omar M.: Ganson, Kyle T.: u.a.: Problematic social media use and alcohol expectancies in early adolescents. [2023]
Akbayin, Mehtap: Mulliez, Aurelien: Fortin, Frederic: Vicard Olagne, Mathilde: Laporte, Catherine: u.a.: Screen exposure time of children under 6 years old: a French cross-sectional survey in general practices in the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region. [2023]
Portugal, Ana Maria: Hendry, Alexandra: Smith, Tim J.: Bedford, Rachael: Do pre-schoolers with high touchscreen use show executive function differences? [2023]
Keenan-Kroff, Savannah L.: Coyne, Sarah M.: Shawcroft, Jane E.: Sheppard, J. Andan: James, Spencer L.: u.a.: Associations between sexual music lyrics and sexting across adolescence. [2023]
Swiatek, Agata Hiacynta: Szczesniak, Malgorzata: Aleksandrowicz, Blanka: Zaczkowska, Daria: Wawer, Weronika: Scislowska, Malgorzata: Problematic smartphone use and social media fatigue: The mediating role of self-control. [2023]
Mortensen, Sofie Rath: Schmidt-Persson, Jesper: Olesen, Line Gronhoelt: Egebaek, Heidi Klakk: Boye, Henriette: u.a.: Parental recerational screen media practices and behavioral difficulties among Danish 7-year-old children. [2023]
Thomas, Samantha: MacCarthy, Simone: Pitt, Hannah: Marko, Sarah: Cowlishaw, Sean: u.a.: "It is always there in your face." Australian young people discuss exposure to gambling activities and promotions. [2023]
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