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Geurts, Suzanne M.: Vossen, Helen G. M.: Van den Eijnden, Regina J. J. M.: Koning, Ina M.: Bidirectional within-family effects of restrictive mediation practices and adolescents' problematic social media use. [2024]
Ebbinkhuijsen, Ming: Bevelander, Kirsten E.: Buijzen, Moniek: Kleemans, Mariska: Children's emotions after exposure to news: Investigating chat conversations with peers as a coping strategy. [2021]
van Reijmersdal, Eva A.: Boerman, Sophie C.: Buijzen, Moniek: Rozendaal, Esther: This is advertising! Effects of disclosing television brand placement on adolescents. [2017]
Symons, Katrien: Ponnet, Koen: Emmery, Kathleen: Walrave, Michel: Heirman, Wannes: Parental knowledge of adolescents' online content and contact risks. [2017]
Doornwaard, Suzan M.: van den Eijinden, Regina J. J. M.: Baams, Laura: Vanwesenbeeck, Ine: ter Bogt, Tom F. M.: Lower psychological well-being and excessive sexual interest predict symptoms of compulsive use of sexually explicit Internet material among adolescent boys. [2016]
Mrug, Sylvie: Madan, Anjana: Cook, Edwin W.: Wright, Rex A.: Emotional and physiological desensitization to real-life and movie violence. [2015]
Lemola, Sakari: Perkinson-Gloor, Nadine: Brand, Serge: Dewald-Kaufmann, Julia F.: Grob, Alexander: Adolescents' electronic media use at night, sleep disturbance, and depressive symptoms in the smartphone age. [2015]
Madan, Anjana: Mrug, Sylvie: Wright, Rex A.: The effects of media violence on anxiety in late adolescence. [2014]
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