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Ruffman, Ted: O'Brien, Kerry S.: Taumoepeau, Mele: Latner, Janet D.: Hunter, John A.: Toddlers' bias to look at average versus obese figures relates to maternal anti-fat prejudice. [2016]
Moser, Alecia: Zimmermann, Laura: Dickerson, Kelly: Grenell, Amanda: Barr, Rachel: u.a.: They can interact, but can they learn? Toddlers' transfer learning from touchscreens and television. [2015]
Brito, Natalie: Barr, Rachel: MacIntyre, Paula: Simcock, Gabrielle: Long-term transfer of learning from books and video during toddlerhood. [2012]
Carrick, Nathalie: Ramirez, Madisenne: Preschoolers' fantasy-reality distinctions of emotional events. [2012]
Liberman, Nira: Polack, Orli: Hameiri, Boaz: Blumenfeld, Maayan: Priming of spatial distance enhances children's creative performance. [2012]
Houston-Price, Carmel (Mitarb.): Burton, Eliza (Mitarb.): Hickinson, Rachel (Mitarb.): Inett, Jade (Mitarb.): Moore, Emma (Mitarb.): u.a.: Picture book exposure elicits positive visual preferences in toddlers. [2009]
Strouse, Gabrielle A.: Troseth, Georgene L.: "Don't try this at home": Toddlers' imitation of new skills from people on video. [2008]
Gerhardstein, Peter: Rovee-Collier, Carolyn: The development of visual search in infants and very young children. [2002]
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