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Austin, Erica Weintraub: Austin, Bruce W.: Power, Thomas G.: Parker, Louise: Kaiser, C. Kit: Edwards, Zena: Youth perspectives on the effects of a family-centered media literacy intervention to encourage healthier eating. [2022]
Moyer-Guse, Emily: Woods, Kelsey: Rader, Kara: Luong, Kate Tran: Talking about TV: Mother-daughter viewing and discussion of an entertainment narrative about teen pregnancy. [2020]
Liechty, Toni: Coyne, Sarah M.: Collier, Kevin M.: Sharp, Aubrey D.: "It's just not very realistic": Perceptions of media among pregnant and postpartum women. [2018]
Coyne, Sarah M.: Liechty, Toni: Collier, Kevin M.: Sharp, Aubrey D.: Davis, Emilie J.: u.a.: The effect of media and body image in pregnant and postpartum women. [2018]
Leung, May May: Green, Melanie C.: Tate, Deborah F.: Cai, Jianwen: Wyka, Katarzyna: u.a.: Fight for your right to fruit: Psychosocial outcomes of a manga comic promoting fruit consumption in middle-school youth. [2017]
Melki, Jad P.: Hitti, Eveline A.: Oghia, Michael J.: Mufarrij, Afif A.: Media exposure, mediated social comparison to idealized images of muscularity, and anabolic steroid use. [2015]
So, Jiyeon: Prestin, Abby: Lee, Lyndon: Wang, Yafei: Yen, John: u.a.: What do people like to "share" about obesity? A content analysis of frequent retweets about obesity on Twitter. [2015]
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