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Ngqangashe, Yandisa: Maldoy, Katrien: De Backer, Charlotte J. S.: Vandebosch, Heidi: Exploring adolescents' motives for food media consumption using the theory of uses and gratifications. [2022]
Bengtsson, Stina: Fast, Karin: Jansson, Andre: Lindell, Johan: Media and basic desires: An approach to measuring the mediatization of daily human life. [2021]
Revilla, Juan Carlos: Davila, Maria Celeste: Fernandez-Villanueva, Concepcion: "Not how much, but how". Contextualizing the presentation of violence broadcast on television: Normativity and narrative genres. [2021]
Kuehne, Rinaldo: Poggiolini, Claudia: Wirth, Werner: The differential effects of related and unrelated emotions on judgments about media messages. [2021]
Ponte, Cristina: de Carvalho, Maria Joao Leote: Batista, Susana: Exploring European children's self-reported data on online aggression. [2021]
Tiemann, Aline: Melzer, Andre: Steffgen, Georges: Nationwide implementation of media literacy training sessions on internet safety. [2021]
Carter, Cynthia: Steemers, Jeanette: Davies, Maire Messenger: Why children's news matters: The case of CBBC Newsround in the UK. [2021]
Karsay, Kathrin: Matthes, Joerg: Froehlich, Valerie: Gender role portrayals in television advertisements: Do channel characteristics matter? [2020]
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