Suche in
Hinten, Ashley E.: Wolsey, Kristina: Henderson, Annette M. E.: Scarf, Damian: A survey of screen media access and use in primary school children's households. [2023]
Ofcom - Office of Communications, London (Hrsg.): Children's media lives 2023. A report for Ofcom. [2023]
Feierabend, Sabine: Gloeckler, Stephan: Kheredmand, Hediye: Rathgeb, Thomas: Jugend, Information, Medien. Ergebnisse der JIM-Studie 2022. [2023]
Lassen, Julie Muenter: Soerensen, Jannick Kirk: Values in and values of video-on-demand services. The case of Danish DRTV. [2023]
Feierabend, Sabine (Mitarb.): Rathgeb, Thomas (Mitarb.): Kheredmand, Hediye (Mitarb.): Gloeckler, Stephan (Mitarb.): KIM-Studie 2022. Kindheit, Internet, Medien. Basisuntersuchung zum Medienumgang 6- bis 13-Jaehriger in Deutschland. [2023]
Wayne, Michael L.: Uribe Sandoval, Ana C.: Netflix original series, global audiences and discourses of streaming success. [2023]
MacIntyre, Joanna: Burke, Liam: Baker, Djoymi: Balanzategui, Jessica: Kids' TV memories: Audience perspectives on the roles and long-term value of Australian children's television. [2023]
Wirz, Dominique S.: Moeri, Michelle: Ort, Alexander: Cordeiro, Jose A.: Castro, Deborah: u.a.: The more you watch, the more you get? Re-examinig the effects of binge-watching on entertainment experiences. [2023]
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