Suche in
Benzi, Ilaria Maria Antonietta: Carone, Nicola: Fontana, Andrea: Barone, Lavinia: Problematic internet use in emerging adulthood: The interplay between narcissistic vulnerability and environmental sensitivity. [2023]
Bado, Patricia: Schafer, Julia: Simioni, Andre R.: Bressan, Rodrigo A.: Gadelha, Ary: u.a.: Screen time and psychopathology: investigating directionality using cross-lagged panel models. [2022]
Scholz, Carolin: Nicht ohne meinen Teddy. [2022]
Reer, Fellix: Quandt, Thorsten: Verstaerkte Mediennutzung: Zunahme der Suchtgefahr? [2022]
Girela-Serrano, Braulio M.: Spiers, Alexander D. V.: Ruotong, Liu: Gangadia, Shivani: Toledano, Mireille B.: Di Simplicio, Martina: Impact of mobile phones and wireless devices use on children and adolescents' mental health: a systematic review. [2022]
Andrie, Elisabeth K.: Sakou, Irene Ikbale: Tzavela, Eleni C.: Richardson, Clive: Tsitsika, Artemis K.: Adolescents' online pornography exposure and its relationship to sociodemographic and psychopathological correlates: A cross-sectional study in six European countries. [2021]
Sorokowski, Piotr: Kowal, Marta: Zdybek, Przemyslaw: Oleszkiewicz, Anna: Are online haters psychopaths? Psychological predictors of online hating behavior. [2020]
Schober, Adrian: Rod Serling's damaged children. [2020]
Rothmund, Tobias: Klimmt, Christoph: Gollwitzer, Mario: Low temporal stability of excessive video game use in German adolescents. [2018]
Koenig, Julian: Fischer-Waldschmidt, Gloria: Brunner, Romuald: Resch, Franz: Kaess, Michael: Zuflucht in digitalen Welten - zum Zusammenhang von kritischen Lebensereignissen mit pathologischem Internetgebrauch im Jugendalter. [2016]
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