Suche in
Hesketh, Kylie D.: Crawford, David A.: Abbott, Gavin: Campbell, Karen J.: Salmon, Jo: Prevalence and stability of active play, restricted movement and television viewing in infants. [2015]
Herman, Katya M.: Hopman, Wilma M.: Sabiston, Catherine M.: Physical activity, screen time and self-rated health and mental health in Canadian adolescents. [2015]
Mitchell, Jonathan A.: Byun, Wonwoo: Sedentary behavior and health outcomes in children and adolescents. [2014]
Straker, Leon: Abbott, Rebecca: Collins, Rachel: Campbell, Amity: Evidence-based guidelines for wise use of electronic games by children. [2014]
Maddison, Ralph: Foley, Louise S.: Olds, Tim S.: Ridley, Kate: Jiang, Yannan: Validating the multimedia activity recall for children and adolescents in a large New Zealand sample. [2014]
Throop, Elizabeth M.: Skinner, Asheley Cockrell: Perrin, Andrew J.: Steiner, Michael J.: Odulana, Adebowale: Perrin, Eliana M.: Pass the popcorn: "Obesogenic" behaviors and stigma in children's movies. [2014]
Jarvis, Jocelyn W.: Rhodes, Ryan E.: Deshpande, Sameer: Berry, Tanya R.: Chulak-Bozzer, Tala: u.a.: Investigating the role of brand equity in predicting the relationship between message exposure and parental support for their child's physical activity. [2014]
Pearson, N.: Braithwaite, R. E.: Biddle, S. J. H.: van Sluijs, E. M. F.: Atkin, A. J.: Associations between sedentary behaviour and physical activitiy in children and adolescents: a meta-analysis. [2014]
Hieftje, Kimberly: Edelman, E. Jennifer: Camenga, Deepa R.: Fiellin, Lynn E.: Electronic media-based health interventions promoting behavior change in youth. A systematic review. [2013]
Staiano, Amanda E.: Harrington, Deirdre M.: Broyles, Stephanie T.: Gupta, Alok K.: Katzmarzyk, Peter T.: Television, adiposity, and cardiometabolic risk in children and adolescents. [2013]
Sirard, John R.: Bruening, Meg: Wall, Melanie M.: Eisenberg, Marla E.: Kim, Sun K.: u.a.: Physical activity and screen time in adolescents and their friends. [2013]
Hingle, Melanie: Nichter, Mimi: Medeiros, Melanie: Grace, Samantha: Texting for health: The use of participatory methods to develop healthy lifestyle messages for teens. [2013]
Kristiansen, Hege: Juliusson, Petur B.: Eide, Geir E.: Roelants, Mathieu: Bjerknes, Robert: TV viewing and obesity among Norwegian children: The importance of parental education. [2013]
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