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Wayne, Michael L.: Uribe Sandoval, Ana C.: Netflix original series, global audiences and discourses of streaming success. [2023]
Burke, Liam: MacIntyre, Joanna: Balanzategui, Jessica: Baker, Djoymi: Parents' perspectives on Australian children's television in the streaming era. [2022]
Hupp, Julia: Michalowicz, Hannah: Kasymbekova, Shanna: Stolz, Lena: Wolleschenksky, Johanna: u.a.: Das Kinderangebot bei Video-on-Demand-Anbietern. Eine Untersuchung zu Struktur und Diversitaet. [2021]
Graf, Alexander: Die Welt als Serie. [2021]
Podara, Anna: Matsiola, Maria: Kotsakis, Rigas: Maniou, Theodora A.: Kalliris, George: Generation Z's screen culture: Understanding younger users' behaviour in the television streaming age - The case of post-crisis Greece. [2021]
Smith, Stacy L.: Pieper, Katherine: Choueiti, Marc: Yao, Kevin: Case, Ariana: u.a.: Inclusion in Netflix Original U.S. scripted series and films. [2021]
Martinez-Sala, Alba-Maria: Barrientos-Baez, Almudena: Caldevilla-Dominguez, David: Television fandom. Study of its impact on the Netflix's social media communication strategy. [2021]
Michael, Hendrik: Reitmeier, Sophie: Czichon, Miriam: Netflix and kill? Disruptive Innovation im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. [2020]
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