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Chung, Myojung: Seo, Young Nam: Jung, Younbo: Lee, Doohwang: Agenda-setting in social TV: How and when user comments influence perceived issue importance. [2023]
Sanchez-Reina, J.-Roberto: Jimenez-Morales, Monika: Montana-Blasco, Mireia: Body satisfaction and screen media usage in Spanish schoolchildren. [2023]
Pfersdorf, Silke: Schuld und Streaming. [2023]
de Leeuw, Rebecca N. H.: Weijers, Addy: Ahle, Anna-Maria: Daalmans, Serena: How stories in the media can be meaningful in children's lives. [2023]
Meier, Adrian: Krause, Hannes-Vincent: Does passive social media use harm well-being? An adversarial review. [2023]
Ewoldsen, David R.: Hoewe, Jennifer: Grady, Sarah: A cognitive processing framework for media interpretation. [2022]
Frener, Regine: Trepte, Sabine: Theorizing gender in online privacy research. [2022]
Adler, Dorothea: Lange, Benjamin P.: Schwab, Frank: Ich sehe was, was du nicht sehen wuerdest - und das habe ich mir auch verdient. [2021]
Montag, Christian: Yang, Haibo: Elhai, Jon D.: On the psychology of "TikTok" use: A first glimpse from empirical findings. [2021]
Oliver, Mary Beth: Raney, Arthur A.: Bartsch, Anne: Janicke-Bowles, Sophie: Appel, Markus: u.a.: Model of inspiring media. [2021]
Zamanzadeh, Nicole N.: Rice, Ronald E.: A theory of media multitasking intensity. [2021]
Coronel, Jason C.: O'Donnell, Matthew B.: Pandey, Prateekshit: Delli Carpini, Michael X.: Falk, Emily B.: Political humor, sharing, and remembering: Insights from neuroimaging. [2021]
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