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Kieninger, Julia: Feierabend, Sabine: Rathgeb, Thomas: Gerigk, Yvonne: Gloeckler, Stephan: u.a.: miniKIM-Studie 2023. Kleinkinder und Medien. Basisuntersuchung zum Medienumgang 2- bis 5-Jaehriger in Deutschland. [2024]
Sanchez-Reina, J.-Roberto: Jimenez-Morales, Monika: Montana-Blasco, Mireia: Body satisfaction and screen media usage in Spanish schoolchildren. [2023]
Borchgrevink-Braekhus, Marianne: Moe, Hallvard: The burden of subscribing: How young people experience digital news subscriptions. [2023]
Ofcom - Office of Communications, London (Hrsg.): Children's media lives 2023. A report for Ofcom. [2023]
Feierabend, Sabine: Gloeckler, Stephan: Kheredmand, Hediye: Rathgeb, Thomas: Jugend, Information, Medien. Ergebnisse der JIM-Studie 2022. [2023]
Keenan-Kroff, Savannah L.: Coyne, Sarah M.: Shawcroft, Jane E.: Sheppard, J. Andan: James, Spencer L.: u.a.: Associations between sexual music lyrics and sexting across adolescence. [2023]
Cardy, Robyn: Smith, Corinna: Suganthan, Hamshi: Jiang, Zhuoran: Wang, Baiyu: u.a.: Patterns and impact of technology use in autistic children. [2023]
Scrivner, Coltan: Andersen, Marc Malmdorf: Schjodt, Uffe: Clasen, Mathias: The psychological benefits of scary play in three types of horror fans. [2023]
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