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Lewis, Kate L: Howard, Steven J: Verenikina, Irina: Kervin, Lisa K: Parent perspectives on young children's changing digital practices: Insights from Covid-19. [2023]
Thomas, Samantha: MacCarthy, Simone: Pitt, Hannah: Marko, Sarah: Cowlishaw, Sean: u.a.: "It is always there in your face." Australian young people discuss exposure to gambling activities and promotions. [2023]
Borchgrevink-Braekhus, Marianne: Moe, Hallvard: The burden of subscribing: How young people experience digital news subscriptions. [2023]
Babari, Parvaneh: Hielscher, Michael: Edelsbrunner, Peter Adriaan: Conti, Martina: Honegger, Beat Doebeli: Marinus, Eva: A literature review of children's and youth's conceptions of the Internet. [2023]
Notley, Tanya: Zhong, Hua Flora: Dezuanni, Michael: Gilbert, Sarah: Comparing children's and teens' news engagement practices and affective news experiences. [2023]
Operto, Francesca Felicia: Viggiano, Andrea: Perfetto, Antonio: Citro, Gabriella: Olivieri, Miriam: u.a.: Digital devices use and fine motor skills in children between 3-6 years. [2023]
Feierabend, Sabine (Mitarb.): Rathgeb, Thomas (Mitarb.): Kheredmand, Hediye (Mitarb.): Gloeckler, Stephan (Mitarb.): KIM-Studie 2022. Kindheit, Internet, Medien. Basisuntersuchung zum Medienumgang 6- bis 13-Jaehriger in Deutschland. [2023]
MacIntyre, Joanna: Burke, Liam: Baker, Djoymi: Balanzategui, Jessica: Kids' TV memories: Audience perspectives on the roles and long-term value of Australian children's television. [2023]
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