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De Leyn, Tom: De Wolf, Ralf: Vanden Abeele, Mariek: De Marez, Lieven: In-between child's play and teenage pop culture: tweens, "TikTok" and privacy. [2022]
Matthews, Natasha: Mattingley, J. B.: Dux, P. E.: Media-multitasking and cognitive control across the lifespan. [2022]
Orben, Amy: Przybylski, Andrew K.: Blakemore, Sarah-Jayne: Kievit, Rogier A.: Windows of developmental sensitivity to social media. [2022]
Ravens-Sieberer, Ulrike: Erhart, Michael: Devine, Janine: Gilbert, Martha: Reiss, Franziska: u.a.: Child and adolescent mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results of the three-wave longitudinal COPSY study. [2022]
Lamont, Alexandra: Hargreaves, David: Musical preferences [2021]
Kracke, Baerbel (Hrsg.): Noack, Peter (Hrsg.): Handbuch Entwicklungs- und Erziehungspsychologie. [2019]
Schneider, Kaethe: Bildung im Erwachsenenalter. [2019]
Meuleman, Roza: Lubbers, Marcel: Verkuyten, Maykel: Parental socialization and the consumption of domestic films, books and music. [2018]
Froehlich-Gildhoff, Klaus: Roennau-Boese, Maike: Que es la resiliencia y como puede ser promovida? [2018]
Froehlich-Gildhoff, Klaus: Roennau-Boese, Maike: What is resilience and how can it be promoted? [2018]
Froehlich-Gildhoff, Klaus: Roennau-Boese, Maike: Was ist Resilienz und wie kann sie gefoerdert werden? [2018]
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