Suche in
Melki, Jad P.: Hitti, Eveline A.: Oghia, Michael J.: Mufarrij, Afif A.: Media exposure, mediated social comparison to idealized images of muscularity, and anabolic steroid use. [2015]
Yager, Zali: Diedrichs, Phillippa C.: Ricciardelli, Lina A.: Halliwell, Emma: What works in secondary schools? A systematic review of classroom-based body image programs. [2013]
Schneider, Sven: Weiss, Melanie: Thiel, Ansgar: Werner, Anne: Mayer, Jochen: u.a.: Body dissatisfaction in female adolescents: Extent and correlates. [2013]
Mulgrew, Kate E.: Volcevski-Kostas, Diana: Rendell, Peter G.: The effect of music video clips on adolescent boys' body image, mood, and schema activation. [2013]
Verstuyf, Joke: Van Petegem, Stijn: Vansteenkiste, Maarten: Soenens, Bart: Boone, Liesbet: The body perfect ideal and eating regulation goals: Investigating the role of adolescents' identity styles. [2013]
Dowdy, Sharon: Alvarado, Maria: Atieno, Olive: Barker, Susan: Barrett, Sandra: u.a.: Empower U: Effectiveness of an adolescent outreach and prevention program with sixth-grade boys and girls: A pilot study. [2013]
Hausenblas, Heather A.: Campbell, Anna: Menzel, Jessie E.: Doughty, Jessica: Levine, Michael: u.a.: Media effects of experimental presentation of the ideal physique on eating disorder symptoms: A meta-analysis of laboratory studies. [2013]
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