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Fardouly, Jasmine: Magson, Natasha R.: Rapee, Ronald M.: Oar, Ella L.: Johnco, Carly J.: Investigating longitudinal and bidirectional relationships between parental factors and time spent on social media during early adolescence [2024]
Hill, Kendall: Xie, Jianling: Gallo, Katarzyna: Wood, Shayna: Parlow, Molly: u.a.: The role of a major social media platform on students' academic performance: Perception versus reality. [2024]
Potvin Kent, Monique: Bagnato, Mariangela: Amson, Ashley: Remedios, Lauren: Pritchard, Meghan: u.a.: #junkfluenced: the marketing of unhealthy food and beverages by social media influencers popular with Canadian children on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok. [2024]
Van der Wal, Amber: Valkenburg, Patti M.: van Driel, Irene I.: In their own words: How adolescents use social media and how it affects them. [2024]
Hilty, Donald M.: Stubbe, Dorothy: MacKean, Alastair J.: Hoffman, Pamela E.: Zalpuri, Isheeta: u.a.: A scoping review of social media in child, adolescents and young adults: research findings in depression, anxiety and other clinical challenges. [2023]
Landa-Blanco, Miguel: Reyes Garcia, Yarell: Landa-Blanco, Ana Lucia: Cortes-Ramos, Antonio: Paz-Maldonado, Eddy: Social media addiction relationship with academic engagement in university students: The mediator role of self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. [2023]
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