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Vangeel, Jolien: Beullens, Kathleen: Vervoort, Leentje: De Cock, Nathalie: Van Lippevelde, Wendy: u.a.: The role behavioral of activation and inhibition in explaining adolescents' game use and game engagement levels. [2017]
Yang, Fang: Salmon, Charles T.: Pang, Joyce S.: Cheng, Wendy J. Y.: Media exposure and smoking intention in adolescents: A moderated mediation analysis from a cultivation perspective. [2015]
Frenkel, Tahl I.: Fox, Nathan A.: Pine, Daniel S.: Walker, Olga L.: Degnan, Kathryn A.: u.a.: Early childhood behavioral inhibition, adult psychopathology and the buffering effects of adolescent social networks: a twenty-year prospective study. [2015]
Baumgartner, Susanne E.: Weeda, Wouter D.: van der Heijden, Lisa L.: Huizinga, Mariette: The relationship between media multitasking and executive function in early adolescents. [2014]
Zelazo, Philip David: Mueller, Ulrich: Executive function in typical and atypical development. [2014]
Lang, Annie: Bradley, Samuel D.: Schneider, Edward F.: Kim, Sojung C.: Mayell, Sharon: Killing is positive! Intra-game responses meet the necessary (but not sufficient) theoretical conditions for influencing aggressive behavior. [2012]
Otto, Michael W.: Henin, Aude: Hirshfeld-Becker, Dina R.: Pollack, Mark H.: Biederman, Joseph: u.a.: Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms following media exposure to tragic events: Impact of 9/11 on children and risk for anxiety disorders. [2007]
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