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Mutlu, Nese: Dinleyici, Meltem: Evaluation of screen time in children under five years old. [2024]
Cai, Xiaowei: Cebollada, Javier: Cortinas, Monica: From traditional gaming to mobile gaming: Video game players’ switching behaviour. [2022]
Robayo-Pinzon, Oscar: Rojas-Berrio, Sandra: Nunez-Gomez, Patricia: Miguelez-Juan, Blanca: Garcia-Bejar, Ligia: Parents' literacy on mobile advertising aimed at children: a cross-cultural approach. [2022]
Rosenberg, Hananel: Blondheim, Menahem: Porat, Chen Sabag-Ben: Mobile phones and the experience of time: New perspectives from a deprivation study of teenagers. [2022]
Linss, Vera: Auf dem Weg zu einem neuen JMStV. [2022]
Kracht, Chelsea L.: Willburn, Jordan Gracie: Broyles, Stephanie T.: Katzmarzyk, Peter T.: Staiano, Amanda E.: Association of night-time screen-viewing with adolescents' diet, sleep, weight status, and adiposity. [2022]
Cartanya-Hueso, Aurea: Lidon-Moyano, Cristina: Martin-Sanchez, Juan Carlos: Gonzalez-Marrón, Adrian: Perez-Martin, Hipolito: u.a.: Association between recreational screen time and excess weight and obesity assessed with three sets of criteria in Spanish residents aged 2-14 years. [2022]
Rocha, Hermano Alexandro Lima: Correia, Luciano Lima: Leite, Alvaro Jorge Madeiro: Machado, Marcia Maria Tavares: Lindsay, Ana Cristina: u.a.: COVID-19 and children’s screen time in Ceará, Brazil: a repeated cross-sectional survey. [2022]
Bergemann, Wibke: Suechtig nach Facebook. [2021]
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