Suche in
Revilla, Juan Carlos: Davila, Maria Celeste: Fernandez-Villanueva, Concepcion: "Not how much, but how". Contextualizing the presentation of violence broadcast on television: Normativity and narrative genres. [2021]
Kaspar, Kai (Hrsg.): Graesser, Lars (Hrsg.): Riffi, Aycha (Hrsg.): Online Hate Speech. Perspektiven auf eine neue Form des Hasses. [2017]
Knipping-Sorokin, Roman: Stumpf, Teresa: Koch, Gertraud: Radikalisierung Jugendlicher ueber das Internet? Ein Literaturueberblick. [2016]
Lull, Robert B.: Cetin, Yakup: Bushman, Brad J.: Violent and sexual media impair second-language memory during encoding and retrieval. [2015]
Exelmans, Liese: Custers, Kathleen: Van den Bulck, Jan: Violent video games and delinquent behavior in adolescents: A risk factor perspective. [2015]
Tarabah, Asma: Badr, Lina Kurdahi: Usta, Jinan: Doyle, John: Exposure to violence and children's desensitization attitudes in Lebanon. [2015]
Ybarra, Michele L.: Strasburger, Victor C.: Mitchell, Kimberly J.: Sexual media exposure, sexual behavior, and sexual violence victimization in adolescence. [2014]
Dvir Gvirsman, Shira: Huesmann, L. Rowell: Dubow, Eric F.: Landau, Simha F.: Shikaki, Khalil: u.a.: The effects of mediated exposure to ethnic-political violence on Middle East youth's subsequent post-traumatic stress symptoms and aggressive behavior. [2014]
Prot, Sara: Anderson, Craig A.: Gentile, Douglas A.: Brown, Stephanie C.: Swing, Edward L.: The positve and negative effects of video game play. [2014]
Friedrich, Katja: Wirkungen gewalthaltiger Medienangebote. [2013]
Aran-Ramspott, Sue: Rodrigo-Alsina, Miquel: La nocion de violencia en la ficcion televisiva: La interpretacion infantil. [2013]
Kunczik, Michael: Gewalt - Medien - Sucht: Computerspiele. [2013]
Baier, Dirk: Pfeiffer, Christian: Jugendgewalt: Entwicklung und Ursachen. [2013]
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