Suche in
Hinten, Ashley E.: Wolsey, Kristina: Henderson, Annette M. E.: Scarf, Damian: A survey of screen media access and use in primary school children's households. [2023]
Frueh, Hannah: Fahr, Andreas: Typology of children media users. [2023]
Feierabend, Sabine: Gloeckler, Stephan: Kheredmand, Hediye: Rathgeb, Thomas: Jugend, Information, Medien. Ergebnisse der JIM-Studie 2022. [2023]
Operto, Francesca Felicia: Viggiano, Andrea: Perfetto, Antonio: Citro, Gabriella: Olivieri, Miriam: u.a.: Digital devices use and fine motor skills in children between 3-6 years. [2023]
Feierabend, Sabine (Mitarb.): Rathgeb, Thomas (Mitarb.): Kheredmand, Hediye (Mitarb.): Gloeckler, Stephan (Mitarb.): KIM-Studie 2022. Kindheit, Internet, Medien. Basisuntersuchung zum Medienumgang 6- bis 13-Jaehriger in Deutschland. [2023]
Nimrod, Galit, Lemish, Dafna: Elias, Nelly: Grandparenting with media: patterns of mediating grandchildren's media use. [2022]
Dennen, Vanessa P.: Shi, Hui: Rutledge, Stacey A.: Bagdy, Lauren M.: Jung, Daeun: u.a.: Teen social media use during COVID-19: Parent perceptions and oversight. [2022]
MacDonald, Robert: King, Hannah: Murphy, Emma: Gill, Wendy: The COVID-19 pandemic and young people. Pressure before, pressure now and pressure to come. [2022]
Feierabend, Sabine: Rathgeb, Thomas: Kheredmand, Hediye: Gloeckler, Stephan: JIM-Studie 2022 Jugend, Information, Medien. Basisuntersuchung zum Medienumgang 12- bis 19-Jaehriger in Deutschland. [2022]
Hurrelmann, Klaus: Dohmen, Dieter: Eine Bruchlinie zieht sich durch die junge Generation. [2022]
Stroemmer, Sofia T.: Sivaramakrishnan, Divya: Shaw, Sarah C.: Morrison, Kathleen: Barrett, Millie: u.a.: Young people's experiences of COVID-19 messaging at the start of the UK lockdown: lessons for positive engagement and information sharing. [2022]
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