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MacQueen, Catherine: Troseth, Georgene: Evaluating parent-child emotion during digital application use. [2023]
Anfang, Guenther: Krippe, Kindergarten und Hort. [2022]
Luenenborg, Margreth: Toepper, Claudia: Suna, Laura: Maier, Tanja: Affektive Medienpraktiken. Emotionen, Koerper, Zugehoerigkeiten im Reality TV. [2021]
Shah, Prachi E.: Hirsh-Pasek, Kathy: Kashdan, Todd B.: Harrison, Kristen: Rosenblum, Katherine: u.a.: Daily television exposure, parent conversation during shared television viewing and socioeconomic status: Associations with curiosity at kindergarten. [2021]
Kim, Jihyun: Merril, Kelly: Collins, Chad: Yang, Hocheol: Social TV viewing during the COVID-19 lockdown: The mediating role of social presence. [2021]
Moyer-Guse, Emily: Woods, Kelsey: Rader, Kara: Luong, Kate Tran: Talking about TV: Mother-daughter viewing and discussion of an entertainment narrative about teen pregnancy. [2020]
Picton, Irene: Clark, Christina: Judge, Tim: Video game playing and literacy: a survey of young people aged 11 to 16. [2020]
Rasmussen, Eric E.: Strouse, Gabrielle A.: Colwell, Malinda J.: Russo Johnson, Colleen: Holiday, Steven: u.a.: Promoting preschoolers' emotional competence through prososcial TV and mobile app use. [2019]
Reinemann, Carsten: Nienierza, Angela: Fawzi, Nayla: Riesmeyer, Claudia: Neumann, Katharina: Jugend - Medien - Extremismus. Wo Jugendliche mit Extremismus in Kontakt kommen und wie sie ihn erkennen. [2019]
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