Suche in
Daoud, Rana: Starkey, Louise: Eppel, Elizabeth: Tho, Doan Vo: Sylvester, Allan: The educational value of internet use in the home for school children: A systematic review of literature. [2021]
Trueltzsch-Wijnen, Christine: Medienhandeln, Habitus und digitale Kompetenzen. [2020]
Kahila, Juho: Valtonen, Teemu: Tedre, Matti: Maekitalo, Kati: Saarikoski, Olli: Children's experiences on learning the 21st-century skills with digital games. [2020]
Fingerle, Michael: Roeder, Mandy: Mueller, Anna R.: Emotionsregulation im Grundschulalter. [2019]
Bermejo Berros, Jesus: Aierbe Barandiaran, Ana: Oregui Gonzalez, Eider: Bartau Rojas, Isabel: The influence of television stories on narrative abilities in children. [2018]
Roenning, Wenche M.: Soelvberg, Astrid M.: Older adults' coping with the digital everyday life. [2017]
Kania-Lundholm, Magdalena: Torres, Sandra: Older active users of ICTs make sense of their engagement. [2017]
Kaarakainen, Meri-Tuulia: Kivinen, Antero: Kaarakainen, Suvi-Sadetta: Differences between the genders in ICT skills for Finnish upper comprehensive school students: Does gender matter? [2017]
Livingstone, Sonia: Mascheroni, Giovanna: Olafsson, Kjartan: Haddon, Leslie: Children's online risks and opportunities: Comparative findings from EU Kids Online and Net Children Go Mobile. [2014]
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