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Anderson, Kelley Cours: Albinsson, Pia A.: Ducarroz, Caroline: Peer-to-peer community on social media: An exploratory cross-cultural study. [2024]
Hao, Fengwei: Li, Pengda: Liang, Zhide: Geng, Jiaxian: The association between childhood adverse experiences and internet addiction: A meta-analysis. [2024]
Juvalta, Sibylle: Speranza, Camilla: Robin, Dominik: El Maohub, Yassmeen: Krasselt, Julia: u.a.: Young people's media use and adherence to preventive measures in the "infodemic": Is it marked by political ideology? [2023]
Aubrey, Jennifer Stevens: Miller, Brandon: Bond, Bradley J.: Roberts, Lindsay: The lessons will be televised: Examining television portrayals of sexual consequences by gender. [2023]
Ross Arguedas, Amy: Banerjee, Sayan: Mont'Alverne, Camila: Toff, Benjamin: Fletcher, Richard: u.a.: News for the powerful and privileged: How misrepresentation and underrepresentation of disadvantaged communities undermine their trust in news. [2023]
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Swiatek, Agata Hiacynta: Szczesniak, Malgorzata: Aleksandrowicz, Blanka: Zaczkowska, Daria: Wawer, Weronika: Scislowska, Malgorzata: Problematic smartphone use and social media fatigue: The mediating role of self-control. [2023]
Park, Sora: Lee, Jee Young: MacGuinness, Kieran: Griffiths, Rebecca: Nguyen, Thu: News and representation and sense of belonging among multicultural audiences. [2023]
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