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Bourha, Dimitra: Hatzigianni, Maria: Sidiropoulou, Trifaini: Vitoulis, Michael: Views of parents on using technology-enhanced toys in the free play of children aged one to four years. [2024]
Lee, Florencia: Gago-Galvagno, Lucas G.: Castillo, Maria del Pilar: Boscolo, Martina: Elgier, Angel M.: u.a.: Associations between screen exposure and children self-regulation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. [2024]
Paulus, Frank W.: Gerstner, Ida: Vorschulkinder und digitale Medien in der Zweiten Moderne. [2023]
Rocha, Bruno: Ferreira, Laura I.: Martins, Catia: Santos, Rita: Nunes, Cristina: The dark side of multimedia devices: Negative consequences for socioemotional development in early childhood. [2023]
Gueron-Sela, Noa: Shalev, Ido: Gordon-Hacker, Avigail: Egotubov, Alisa: Barr, Rachel: Screen media exposure and behavioral adjustment in early childhood during and after COVID-19 home lockdown periods. [2023]
MacQueen, Catherine: Troseth, Georgene: Evaluating parent-child emotion during digital application use. [2023]
Schwarzer, Clarissa: Grafe, Nico: Hiemisch, Andreas: Kiess, Wieland: Poulain, Tanja: Associations of media use and early childhood development: cross-sectional findings from the LIFE child study. [2022]
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