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Sanchez-Reina, J.-Roberto: Jimenez-Morales, Monika: Montana-Blasco, Mireia: Body satisfaction and screen media usage in Spanish schoolchildren. [2023]
Lewis, Kate L: Howard, Steven J: Verenikina, Irina: Kervin, Lisa K: Parent perspectives on young children's changing digital practices: Insights from Covid-19. [2023]
Hinten, Ashley E.: Wolsey, Kristina: Henderson, Annette M. E.: Scarf, Damian: A survey of screen media access and use in primary school children's households. [2023]
Akbayin, Mehtap: Mulliez, Aurelien: Fortin, Frederic: Vicard Olagne, Mathilde: Laporte, Catherine: u.a.: Screen exposure time of children under 6 years old: a French cross-sectional survey in general practices in the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region. [2023]
Gueron-Sela, Noa: Shalev, Ido: Gordon-Hacker, Avigail: Egotubov, Alisa: Barr, Rachel: Screen media exposure and behavioral adjustment in early childhood during and after COVID-19 home lockdown periods. [2023]
de Oliveira, Isabela dos Reis: Maciel, Nathalia Maximiano Soares: da Costa, Bianca Tomaz: Soares, Anne Danieli Nascimento: Gomez, Junia Maria Geraldo: Association between abdominal obesity, screen time and sleep in adolescents. [2023]
Brautsch, Louise A. S..: Lund, Lisbeth: Andersen, Martin M.: Jennum, Poul J.: Folker, Anna P.: Andersen, Susan: Digital media use and sleep in late adolescence and young adulthood: A systematic review. [2023]
Hoekby, Sebastian: Westerlund, Joakim: Alvarsson, Jesper: Carli, Vladimir: Hadlaczky, Gergoe: Longitudinal effects of screen time on depressive symptoms among Swedish adolescents: The moderating and mediating role of coping engagement behavior. [2023]
Mortensen, Sofie Rath: Schmidt-Persson, Jesper: Olesen, Line Gronhoelt: Egebaek, Heidi Klakk: Boye, Henriette: u.a.: Parental recerational screen media practices and behavioral difficulties among Danish 7-year-old children. [2023]
Waller, Franziska: Prandstetter, Katharina: Jansen, Elena: Nikolova, Gordana: Lachman, Jamie M.: u.a.: Screen use: Its association with caregiver mental health, parenting, and children's ADHD symptoms. [2023]
Jing, Mengguo: Ye, Ting: Kirkorian, Heather L.: Mares, Marie-Louise: Screen media exposure and young children's vocabulary learning and development: A meta-analysis. [2023]
Frueh, Hannah: Fahr, Andreas: Typology of children media users. [2023]
Xu, Ying: Levine, Julian: Vigil, Valery: Ritchie, Daniel: Zhang, Shan: u.a.: Interaction with a television character powered by artificial intelligence promotes children's science learning. [2023]
Fitzpatrick, Caroline: Binet, Marie-Andree: Cristini, Emma: Almeida Lopez, Maira: Begin, Mathieu: u.a.: Reducing harm and promoting positive media use strategies: new perspectives in understanding the impact of preschooler media use on health and development. [2023]
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