Suche in
Pouwels, J. Loes: Valkenburg, Patti M.: Beyens, Ine: van Driel, Irene I.: Keijsers, Loes: Social media use and friendship closeness in adolescents' daily lives: An experience sampling study. [2021]
Barg, Werner C.: Krankheitsbilder im Spielfilm. [2021]
Dill-Shackleford, Karen E.: Ramasubramanian, Srividya: Behm-Morawitz, Elizabeth: Scharrer, Erica: Burgess, Melinda C. R.: Lemish, Dafna: Social group stories in the media and child development. [2017]
Jennings, Nancy: Lo que moldea mi naturaleza. [2016]
Johnson, Sara K.: Buckingham, Mary H.: Morris, Stacy L.: Suzuki, Sara: Weiner, Michelle B.: u.a.: Adolescents' character role models: Exploring who young people look up to as examples of how to be a good person. [2016]
Jennings, Nancy: What shapes my self. [2016]
Mares, Marie-Louise: Sivakumar, Gayathri: Stephenson, Laura: From meta to micro: Examining the effectiveness of educational TV. [2015]
Baumgartner, Susanne E.: Sumter, Sindy R.: Peter, Jochen: Valkenburg, Patti M.: Sexual self-presentation on social network sites: Who does it and how is it perceived? [2015]
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