Suche in
Rodriguez-Suarez, Julio: Moran-Neches, Lorena: Herrero-Olaizola, Juan-Bautista.: Online research, new languages and symbolism of digital activism: A systematic review. [2021]
Gietzen, Megan S.: Gollust, Sarah E.: Linde, Jennifer A.: Neumark-Sztainer, Dianne: Eisenberg, Marla E.: A content analysis of physical activity in TV shows popular among adolescents. [2017]
Vangeel, Jolien: Beullens, Kathleen: Vervoort, Leentje: De Cock, Nathalie: Van Lippevelde, Wendy: u.a.: The role behavioral of activation and inhibition in explaining adolescents' game use and game engagement levels. [2017]
Gentile, Douglas A.: Bender, Patrick K.: Anderson, Craig A.: Violent video game effects on salivary cortisol, arousal, and aggressive thoughts in children. [2017]
Seifert, Alexander: Marquard, Markus: Bennett, Jonathan: Kompetenzvermittlung im digitalen Alltag aelterer Menschen. Lernen in Online-Communitys. [2017]
Fatkin, Jane-Marie: Lansdown, Terry C.: Prosocial media in action. [2015]
Rasmussen, Eric E.: Ortiz, Rebecca R.: White, Shawna R.: Emerging adults' responses to active mediation of pornography during adolescence. [2015]
Wagner, Ulrike: Heranwachsen in der Teilhabe-Kultur. [2015]
Walton, Kathryn: Simpson, Janis Randall: Darlington, Gerarda: Haines, Jess: Parenting stress: A cross-sectional analysis of associations with childhood obesity, physical activity, and TV viewing. [2014]
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