Suche in
Martins, Nicole: Wilson, Barbara J.: Parental communication about kidnapping stories in the US news. [2011]
Wilson, Barbara J.: Drogos, Kristin L.: Children and adolescents. Distinctive audiences of media content. [2009]
Wilson, Barbara J.: Media violence and aggression in youth. [2008]
Calvert, Sandra L. (Hrsg.): Wilson, Barbara J. (Hrsg.): The handbook of children, media, and development. [2008]
Wilson, Barbara J.: Martins, Nicole: The impact of violent music on youth. [2006]
Wilson, Barbara J.: Martins, Nicole: Marske, Amy L.: Children's and parents' fright reactions to kidnapping stories in the news. [2005]
Smith, Stacy L.: Lachlan, Ken: Pieper, Katherine M.: Boyson, Aaron R.: Wilson, Barbara J.: Brandishing guns in American media: Two studies examining how often and in what context firearms appear on television and in popular video games. [2004]
Strasburger, Victor C.: Wilson, Barbara J.: Television violence. [2003]
Wilson, Barbara J.: Smith, Stacy L.: Potter, W. James: Kunkel, Dale: Linz, Daniel: u.a.: Violence in children's television programming: Assessing the risks. [2002]
Wilson, Barbara J.: Colvin, Carolyn M.: Smith, Stacy L.: Engaging in violence on American television: A comparison of child, teen, and adult perpetrators. [2002]
Smith, Stacy L.: Nathanson, Amy I.: Wilson, Barbara J.: Prime-time television: Assessing violence during the most popular viewing hours. [2002]
Strasburger, Victor C.: Wilson, Barbara J.: Children, adolescents, and the media. [2002]
Strasburger, Victor C.: Wilson, Barbara J.: Children and adolescents. Unique audiences. [2002]
Strasburger, Victor C.: Wilson, Barbara J.: Advertising. [2002]
Strasburger, Victor C.: Wilson, Barbara J.: Media violence. [2002]
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