Suche in
van der Wal, Amber: Piotrowski, Jessica Taylor: Fikkers, Karin M.: Valkenburg, Patti M.: More than just a laughing matter: A coding framework of humor in media entertainment for tweens and teens. [2020]
Piotrowski, Jessica Taylor: Is educational media an oxymoron? [2018]
Broekman, Francette L.: Piotrowski, Jessica Taylor: Beentjes, Hans W. J.: Valkenburg, Patti M.: App features that fulfill parents' needs in apps for children. [2018]
Piotrowski, Jessica Taylor: Krcmar, Marina: Reading with hotspots: Young children's responses to touchscreen stories. [2017]
Valkenburg, Patti M.: Piotrowski, Jessica Taylor: Plugged in. How media attract and affect youth. [2017]
Fikkers, Karin M.: Piotrowski, Jessica Taylor: Lugtig, Peter: Valkenburg, Patti M.: The role of perceived peer norms in the relationship between media violence exposure and adolescents' aggression. [2016]
Fikkers, Karin M.: Piotrowski, Jessica Taylor: Valkenburg, Patti M.: Beyond the lab: Investigating early adolescents' cognitive, emotional, and arousal responses to violent games. [2016]
Hennessy, Michael: Bleakley, Amy: Piotrowski, Jessica Taylor: Mallya, Giridhar: Jordan, Amy: Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption by adult caregivers and their children: The role of drink features and advertising exposure. [2016]
Fikkers, Karin M.: Piotrowski, Jessica Taylor: Valkenburg, Patti M.: Assessing the reliability and validity of television and game violence exposure measures. [2015]
Lapierre, Matthew A.: Piotrowski, Jessica Taylor: Linebarger, Deborah L.: Assessing the relationship between pediatric media guidance and media use in American families. [2014]
Fikkers, Karin M.: Piotrowski, Jessica Taylor: Weeda, Wouter D.: Vossen, Helen G. M.: Valkenburg, Patti M.: How family conflict moderates the relationship between media violence and adolescents' aggression. [2013]
Valkenburg, Patti M.: Piotrowski, Jessica Taylor: Hermanns, Jo: de Leeuw, Rebecca: Developing and validating the perceived parental media mediation scale: A self-determination perspective. [2013]
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