Suche in
Dvir Gvirsman, Shira: Huesmann, L. Rowell: Dubow, Eric F.: Landau, Simha F.: Shikaki, Khalil: u.a.: The effects of mediated exposure to ethnic-political violence on Middle East youth's subsequent post-traumatic stress symptoms and aggressive behavior. [2014]
Ybarra, Michele L.: Huesmann, L. Rowell: Korchmaros, Josephine D.: Reisner, Sari L.: Cross-sectional associations between violent video and computer game playing and weapon carrying in a national cohort of children. [2014]
Boxer, Paul: Huesmann, L. Rowell: Bushman, Brad J.: O'Brien, Maureen: Moceri, Dominic: The role of violent media preference in cumulative developmental risk for violence and general aggression. [2009]
Bushman, Brad J.: Huesmann, L. Rowell: Whitaker, Jodi L.: Violent media effects. [2009]
Dubow, Eric F.: Huesmann, L. Rowell: Greenwood, Dara: Media and youth socialization. Underlying processes and moderators of effects. [2007]
Huesmann, L. Rowell: Taylor, Laramie D.: The role of media violence in violent behavior. [2006]
Huesmann, L. Rowell: Moise-Titus, Jessica: Podolski, Cheryl-Lynn: Eron, Leonard D.: Longitudinal relations between children's exposure to TV violence and their aggressive and violent behavior in young adulthood: 1977-1992. [2003]
Huesmann, L. Rowell: Skoric, Marko M.: Regulating media violence: Why, how, and by whom? [2003]
Anderson, Craig A.: Berkowitz, Leonard: Donnerstein, Edward: Huesmann, L. Rowell: Johnson, James D.: The influence of media violence on youth. [2003]
Huesmann, L. Rowell: Taylor, Laramie D.: The case against the case against media violence. [2003]
Bushman, Brad J.: Huesmann, L. Rowell: Effects of televised violence on aggression. [2001]
Eron, Leonard D.: Huesmann, L. Rowell: Fernsehen, Familie und Kultur. [1989]
Huesmann, L. Rowell: Bachrach, Riva S.: Differential effects of television violence on Kibbutz and city children. [1988]
Lagerspetz, Kirsti: Viemeroe, Vappu: Television and aggressive behavior among Finnish children. [1986]
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