Suche in
Wykes, Maggie: Gunter, Barrie: The media and body image. If looks could kill. [2007]
Gunter, Barrie: Psychological effects of video games. [2005]
Gunter, Barrie: Trust in the news on television. [2005]
Gunter, Barrie: Furnham, Adrian: Pappa, Eleni: Effects of television violence on memory for violent and nonviolent advertising. [2005]
Gunter, Barrie: Oates, Caroline: Blades, Mark: Advertising to children on TV. Content, impact, and regulation. [2005]
Gunter, Barrie: Harrison, Jackie: Wykes, Maggie: Violence on television. Distribution, form, context, and themes. [2003]
Oates, Caroline: Blades, Mark: Gunter, Barrie: Don, Jacquie: Children's understanding of television advertising: a qualitative approach. [2003]
Gunter, Barrie: Baluch, Bahman: Duffy, Linda J.: Furnham, Adrian: Children's memory for television advertising: Effects of programme-advertisement congruency. [2002]
Charlton, Tony (Hrsg.): Gunter, Barrie (Hrsg.): Hannan, Andrew (Hrsg.): Broadcast television effects in a remote community. [2002]
Gunter, Barrie: Media sex. What are the issues? [2002]
Charlton, Tony: Gunter, Barrie: Background of the research project. [2002]
Gunter, Barrie: The nature of the television output. [2002]
Gunter, Barrie: Panting, Charlie: Charlton, Tony: Coles, David: Relationships between children's viewing patterns and social behavior. [2002]
Gunter, Barrie: Charlton, Tony: Charlton, Daniel: Where next? [2002]
Oates, Caroline: Blades, Mark: Gunter, Barrie: Children and television advertising: When do they understand persuasive intent? [2001]
Gunter, Barrie: Charlton, Tony: Coles, David: Panting, Charlie: The impact of television on children's antisocial behavior in a novice television community. [2000]
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