Suche in
van Steen, Tommy: Mueller, Barbara C. N.: Li, Shuang: Loman, Jeroen G. B.: Buijzen, Moniek: Helping on social media. Self-persuasion and question-behavior effects. [2023]
Kleemans, Mariska: Janssen, Lisa T.: Anschuetz, Doeschka J.: Buijzen, Moniek: The influence of sources in violent news on fright and worry responses of children in the Netherlands. [2022]
Ebbinkhuijsen, Ming: Bevelander, Kirsten E.: Buijzen, Moniek: Kleemans, Mariska: Children's emotions after exposure to news: Investigating chat conversations with peers as a coping strategy. [2021]
Kleemans, Mariska: de Leeuw, Rebecca N. H.: Gerritsen, Janel: Buijzen, Moniek: Children's responses to negative news: The effects of constructive reporting in newspaper stories for children. [2021]
Opree, Suzanna: Buijzen, Moniek: van Reijmersdal, Eva: Reliability and validity of children's advertising exposure measures. [2021]
Johannes, Niklas: Veling, Harm: Verwijmeren, Thijs: Buijzen, Moniek: Hard to resist? The effect of smartphone visibility and notifications on response inhibition. [2019]
Kleemans, Mariska: Dohmen, Roos: Schlindwein, Luise F.: Tamboer, Sanne L.: de Leeuw, Rebecca N. H.: Buijzen, Moniek: Children's cognitive responses to construcitve television news. [2019]
de Leeuw, Rebecca N. H.: Buijzen, Moniek: Can media contribute to happiness in children and adolescents? [2018]
van Reijmersdal, Eva A.: Boerman, Sophie C.: Buijzen, Moniek: Rozendaal, Esther: This is advertising! Effects of disclosing television brand placement on adolescents. [2017]
van Reijmersdal, Eva A.: Rozendaal, Esther: Smink, Nadia: van Noort, Guda: Buijzen, Moniek: Processes and effects of targeted online advertising among children. [2017]
van Reijmersdal, Eva A.: Rozendaal, Esther: Smink, Nadia: van Noort, Guda: Buijzen, Moniek: Processes and effects of targeted online advertising among children. [2016]
Rozendaal, Esther: Opree, Suzanna J.: Buijzen, Moniek: Development and validation of a survey instrument to measure children's advertising literacy. [2016]
de Leeuw, Rebecca N. H.: Kleemans, Mariska: Rozendaal, Esther: Anschuetz, Doeschka J.: Buijzen, Moniek: The impact of prosocial television news on children's prosocial behavior: An experimental study in the Netherlands. [2015]
Buijzen, Moniek: Rozendaal, Esther: de Droog, Simone M.: Food marketing and child health. [2014]
Opree, Suzanna J.: Buijzen, Moniek: van Reijmersdal, Eva A.: Valkenburg, Patti M.: Children's advertising exposure, advertised product desire, and materialism: A longitudinal study. [2014]
van Reijmersdal, Eva: Rozendaal, Esther: Smink, Nadia: van Noort, Guda: Buijzen, Moniek: Explaining the effects of targeted online advertising on children's cognitive, affective and behavorial brand responses. [2013]
Buijzen, Moniek: Rozendaal, Esther: van Reijmersdal, Eva A.: Media, advertising, and consumerism. Children and adolescents in a commercialized media environment. [2013]
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